Captain Scott's Other Last Letter To His Wife
My darling dearest, By now the missive recounting my pain at being apart from you should have arrived. The sentiments expressed therein...

The Complete Life of Donald Trump in Movie Titles
Million Dollar Baby Problem Child The Nanny Push The Spiral Staircase Fracture A Civil Action Payback Guilty as Sin Hush Up The Academy...

Letter To My Teenage Self
Over on the Huffington Post I just happened to have written to my teenage self. Spoiler alert: all is not well. Read it RIGHT HERE

A Brief Collection of Luis Bunuel's Vines
Over on the delightful Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency you can read my brief collection of Vines as proposed by Luis Bunuel. I...

Get Yourself Some F**k This Journal!
Hurrah! My new book F**k This Journal is out now and available from all fine book furnishing establishments including THIS ONE so feel...

A Publisher Writes to Geoffrey Chaucer
To celebrate this fantastic Clickhole piece that LIVES HERE here's my own effort along a similar theme: