An Anti-Caligula Attack Ad
As it's election day here in the UK, here's something sort of politcal from Letters of Not...

As it's practically the anniversary of Citizen Kane's premiere, here's nothing to do with it from the book - though it does feature Orson...

The good and lovely people at McSweeney's Internet Tendency were kind enough to publish my attempts at reimagining sit-com spin-offs from...

NEWS! Another Book! With No Letters In It At All!
(This is the book at the moment) I'm very excited and delighted to announce that my next book will be entitled 'F**k This Journal -...

EXTRA LETTER: A Sad Desperate Attempt To Get Into Waterstones
For reasons that remain obscure, certain branches of the fantastic Watersatones bookstore chain declined to carry Letters of Not. In an...

An Eviction Notice From St. Francis of Assisi's Landlord
Dear Tenant, How many times do I have to tell you? NO PETS. You have until the 28th to vacate the property. Yours with regret, Mr...

Look at the Lovely Layout Thanks To We Are Laura
Over on the website of amazing Letters of Not designers We Are Laura, you can see various bits of the book and their truly remarkable...

EXTRA LETTER: The Mayor of Gilroy California Writes To Pablo Picasso
12th December, 1939 Dear Mr. Picasso, Please excuse the intrusion on you and your busy artistic timetable. My name is Calvin Graves and I...

We Could Send Letters #2 - January 26th!
After the rip-roaring success of the first event, We Could Send Letters returns to the Greenwich Tavern on Monday January 26th with...

Charles Manson: If He’d Been Obsessed With The Archies Rather Than The Beatles
It’s the music, man. It’s the music that’s coming. It’s not me that’s coming. I can’t be coming because I don’t exist. If I do exist I...