Brian Jones Hopes for the Rolling Stones
1st June, 1962 Hey Mick and Keith, So happy you’ve agreed to join up with me and my little beat combo. Thought I’d get down on paper...

EXTRA LETTER: A Sick Note From Ernest Hemingway's Mother
Dear Mrs Kreig, Please could Ernest be excused from class again today. I do apologize for these continued absences but as you know the...

EXTRA LETTER: Charles Dickens' Internet Search History
Over on The Toast - a famed novelist completely failed to clear his browser and we get to revel in the results. You can read the whole...

EXTRA LETTER: Werner Herzog's Christmas Life Hacks
Christmas time. Mistletoe and pain. As is generally the case with most seasons of festivity, yuletide, or as we Bavarians call it...

EXTRA LETTER: Richard Dawkin's Letter to Santa
I read this crazy thing out at our first We Can Send Letters night (which was great, thank you for asking) and then plopped it onto...

Jane Austen Writes To a Love Rival
My dear Miss Hollis, It was such a delight to see you at the Ashe Ball this last Saturday eve. I had heard much of your beauty and wit...

A Christmas Round-Robin From the Freud Family!
A merry festive season to you all, I hope that this message finds you well. It has certainly been a busy year for the Freuds, and we are...

EXTRA LETTER: MC Hammer's Nine Rules for Hammerman